Gay men xxx story

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'Porn somehow comes on TV (I can’t remember if he put it in a DVD or what). It was a sweltering summer night, so my friend and I were in just our boxers, hanging out in his back house. I was spending the night at my friend’s house. Terrible god damn kisser but I haven’t paid for a beer around him in years.' - Sonofarex Thinking quick, he said 'no it’s cool I’m gay,' and grabbed me as I was walking by and stuck his tongue in my mouth. He was belligerent drunk and talking to some girl and her boyfriend came up with much offense taken. From getting excited while watching porn together to making obscene noises, here are some of the funniest stories. The thread posed the question, 'W hat’s the gayest thing you’ve ever done with another guy?' Straight men then flooded the comments with their most epic bromance stories. Some straight men played an epic version of 'Never Have I Ever' on a Reddit thread, disclosing how far they've gone with another member of the same sex. Well, here's one way to divulge some of your deepest secrets: do it to a crowd of anonymous Reddit users.

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